Get a Grip: A Glove Texture Introduction

While you may be aware of how various applications call for different disposable glove materials, how much do you know about glove textures?

How to describe glove textures
Glove texture comes from the formers during production. Currently, there is no standard for describing the extent to which gloves are textured. Some gloves are only textured on the fingertips while others are fully textured.

Imagine the surface of a textured glove as a mountain range. If the valleys are deeper, the texture is more prominent. This allows more liquid to pass through the channels and for the glove to make greater contact with the surface of an object.

“AMMEX Disposable gloves have various levels of texture.”

Here is an overview of texture types:

Smooth: These are gloves that do not have any texture, and most are vinyl. Smooth gloves are suitable for applications such as hair care, food preparation and food service.

Micro-roughened: This is the lightest form of texturing and is mostly for nitrile and latex gloves. In fact, 95 percent of nitrile gloves are microroughened. These gloves have a surface that appears to be lightly sanded and are great for medical applications because they provide additional grip for holding tools without disturbing patients or procedures. Additionally, they are more suitable for gripping small objects.

Aggressively textured: This category has the most intense level of texture. AMMEX Gloveworks Heavy Duty Orange Nitrile Gloves, for example, have a diamond raised texture, which is particularly useful for gripping fasteners, nuts and bolts when the glove is slippery. Manufacturers produce these gloves on textured formers, which require more material. This added thickness provides additional grip and protection.

The grip on latex gloves is not entirely from texture. Instead, manufacturers alter the finishing process by using less chlorine during chlorination to maintain surface tackiness.

Why use textured gloves
Wearers of gloves can’t always control the environment, so choosing the right glove for the application they are being used in is essential. Texture is a key consideration when selecting the right glove for the job.


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