Overcoming Common Sales Objections

Regardless of what you are selling, you are going to face objections. Cold calling salespeople understand this and know they must have the skills to overcome counterarguments. This even holds true where free products and services are available as part of a promotion.

Salespeople must hammer out a process for addressing objections head on. However, while the representative is doing all the work and the endeavor ultimately seeks to sell a product or service, tackling objections is a client-focused experience. This is the foundation of the Feel, Felt, Found strategy in sales.

Feel: Show empathy
The first step in this process is listening and conveying understanding. Too often, salespeople will be focused on mentioning the next product feature that they will not take the time to actually hear why the potential client is initially uninterested. This hurts the interaction in two ways: the customer does not feel appreciated, and the salesperson is not highlighting benefits that directly address the specific objections.

One objection common to disposable gloves is that many prospective customers say they do not sell gloves. This is a much different response from a potential client who buys from another distributor, and salespeople must hone in on this difference.

Felt: Use relatable experiences
Many industries will see the same objections across leads, meaning sales teams will have a plethora of past experiences where they succeeded in overcoming objections. These stories tell future customers they are not the first people to have reservations, and they will not be the last people to see how the target products and services address those concerns.

“Salespeople can use the Feel, Felt, Found technique to overcome objections.”

A gloves salesperson could reference that many potential clients said they did not sell gloves until they found out 80 percent of their customers were getting gloves from somewhere else. This figure is typically a tipping point for uninterested leads.

Found: Bring out the value proposition
To seal the deal, salespeople must be specific about how those past clients found what they needed in the proposed product or service. AMMEX seeks to ensure all our distributors are able to grow sales by utilizing the Sales Acceleration Solution®, which includes gloves samples, marketing support and other tools to help them develop a fast-growing product line and attractive margins. For example, a past client saw its revenue increase once it began selling disposable gloves.

Now that you have the three components, what does this look like in a common situation? AMMEX seeks to ensure all our distributors are able to grow sales by utilizing the Sales Acceleration Solution®, which includes gloves samples, marketing support and other tools to help them develop a fast-growing product line and attractive margins. As our distributors begin using our Sales Acceleration Solution®, they may find clients who say they don’t use gloves. We suggest responding with:

I know how you feel. A few years ago, I didn’t’ use gloves for many of the applications I use them for today. I felt as though it wasn’t necessary. But what I’ve found is that the barrier protection gloves provide give me peace of mind that I am not being exposed to harmful chemicals and protecting myself. As a business owner, you can provide another component to your safety program for not a lot of extra cost. Would you like to try a sample of our gloves to see how they work for your application?

Along with the marketing support provided in our Sales Acceleration Solution®, AMMEX also offers a wide range of sales training support. Learn more about becoming an AMMEX partner.


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